We live and die at cellular levels. Our body is made up of about 80 trillion cells. A human cell is extremely complicated and intelligent. It knows exactly how to accept substances necessary for its use, while rejecting things that are irrelevant. It distinguishes between food (organic) and non-food (inorganic) substances. Cell foods consists of carbohydrate (main fuel), amino acids (which make proteins), minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, clean water, fiber, and ENZYMES.
1. CARBOHYDRATE source is mainly from vegetables, fruits, grains, and cereals. This is the main source of fuel (glucose) for the body to convert into energy. In its absence, the body will burn fats, then muscle tissues, and so forth.
2. AMINO ACIDS are not to be mistaken as solid proteins, as in steak, etc. The body needs 8 essential amino acids from the diet to synthesize building materials for the body’s metabolism and repairing functions. Proteins are more than our hairs, nails and skin. The body requires amino acids to manufacture enzymes, hormones, antibodies, etc. The rest of the amino acids (about 14) are sufficiently produced by ourselves.
3. MINERALS such as sodium (not sodium chloride), potassium, magnesium, and calcium are required in larger quantities. They act as alkaline reserve to regulate the body’s acid-base balance. The first 3 are electrolytes which are responsible for the conduction of electrical pulses throughout the body. Together with trace minerals, we need about 20 of these minerals to provide structural and functional support to the cells.
4. VITAMINS regulate metabolism and assist the bio-chemical processes that release energy from digested good. They also assist enzymes to do work, and hence, they are also called co-enzymes. There are about 14 generally recognized major vitamins, such as, vitamin A, B complex (about 9), C, D, E, Bioflavonoids, K, etc. As micro-nutrients, they are normally required in small quantities, although mega doses may be used to cure diseases.
5. ESSENTIAL FATS are responsible for body growth, healthy skin, cell membrane integrity and healing functions. They are pre-cursors to hormone production. This nutrient must be obtained from the diet as the body cannot manufacture it. They come in the form of polyunsaturated dietary fats such as omega 3 fats (alpha-linolenic acid); and omega 6 fat (linoleic acid). Examples of omega 3 are: flaxseeds, fish oil, walnuts; and omega 6 include evening primrose oil, safflower oil, olive oil, soy bean.
6. WATER is 60% of our total body weight. It is found 2/3 inside the cells and 1/3 outside the cells. The body produces 40 litres of fluid such as blood, spinal fluid, saliva, urine, bile, etc. It helps to transport nutrients and waste products in and out of the cells. It is necessary for all digestive, absorptive, circulatory and excretory functions. Water also maintains proper body temperature. Drinking unfiltered water can lead to urinary tract infections, clogging up of arteries, joint pains, stones, etc. We recommend drinking reverse osmosis or distilled water. Take about 2 litres, or 8 glasses of water daily.
7. FIBER. Waste material such as toxin, and bad lipids are removed from the blood by soluble fiber. On the other, the insoluble fiber sweeps the alimentary canal (intestines) clean, while stimulating bowel movement known as peristalsis. The colon, which is 5 foot long, is often sludged and encrusted with waste materials. Over time, it gets narrower and narrower resulting in constipation and proliferation of harmful microbes. Many diseases find their source in a sluggish colon. Fiber ensures a healthy digestive and eliminative system.
8. ENZYMES are the life force that the human body, or what a grain of seed is made of. When a python swallows a goat, the snake’s enzymes together with the goat’s enzymes will do all the slow and steady “digestion” of the prey into liquid food. Thousands of enzymes are produced in the body to carry out bio-chemical functions such as digestion (20+ enzymes alone), defence, detoxification, metabolism, transportation, energy production, and brain stimulation. Vitamins, minerals, water, and other nutrients are useless without the presence of enzymes. Enzymes are found in all live, uncooked foods. When enzymes reserves run low, premature aging and diseases set in.
9. HOW TO EAT? First of all, Eat To Live. Please go for whole foods as opposed to the refined, convenience and processed ones. Here is a suggested Ratio Eating guide:
Meat, Dairy, Eggs, Grains, Seeds, Nuts, etc .................25%
Vegetables, Fruits .......................................................75%
Love Your Self By Loving Your CELL.